Developing Photographic Memory
There are some people have a naturally impressive memory, and can read and remember more that others, research suggests that photographic memory can be developed through training and practice. Here are 4 easy steps to help you improve your memory:
Step 1: Understand Your Brain’s Strengths

- Recognize that your brain is particularly good at remembering:
- Visual layouts and spatial information
- Routes and paths
- Absurd, funny, sexual, or offensive images (yes, you read that right!)
- Use this knowledge to your advantage by associating new information with vivid, memorable images.
Step 2: Choose a Memory Palace
- Select a familiar building or space you know well, such as your childhood home
- This will serve as the foundation for your memory palace
- Imagine walking through the space and associating each piece of information you want to remember with a specific location or image
Step 3: Create Memorable Images
- Use the Ad Herennium’s advice: make your images as funny, lewd, and bizarre as possible
- Associate each piece of information with a unique, memorable image
- For example, if you need to remember a grocery list, imagine a giant banana wearing a tutu and a top hat, or a cartoon character holding a jar of peanut butter
Step 4: Practice and Review
- Walk through your memory palace regularly, rehearsing the images and associations
- Review and practice regularly to solidify the connections in your brain
- As you become more comfortable, you can gradually move on to more complex information and expand your memory palace
Additional Tips:
- Use visualization techniques to enhance your memory
- Practice active recall by trying to remember the information without looking at your notes or references
- Incorporate physical exercise and mental stimulation to improve overall brain function and memory
Remember, developing a photographic memory takes time and practice. Be patient, stay consistent, and you’ll be amazed at what you can achieve!
- Cicero’s Rhetorica ad Herennium
- Joshua Foer’s Moonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering Everything
- Research studies on memory and brain function
Note: While these steps can help improve your memory, it’s essential to understand that photographic memory is a rare condition, and even with training, most people will not develop it to the same extent as those with natural eidetic memory.