Aurora Principles & Affirmations

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I know I embody my full power in this moment. I know and channel these principles & affirmations with my full intent in the highest good for all.

  • I know in each moment, I command pure, sweet humility to flood every particle of life that I am NOW.
  • With deep reverence and trust, I know I stand in full awareness that I AM, deepening my knowing, balance, focus and connection with LIFE.
  • As I command the deepest desires of my mission in each moment, I know I immediately recognize and relinquish all discordant beliefs and programs to my altar. I know I purify and sculpt my song.
  • Here where I stand now, I know I am palpable joy that pours out and expands. I invite my brothers and sisters who attune with my now to come. Lets enjoy a deep enduring freedom and culturally diverse community cause we want to.
  • I know my world is magical, pristine, beautiful, lush, fragrant, sparkling clean with crystal clear water and a warm, cozy climate with minimal moisture in all structures we inhabit. I know in my sacred space, my sovereignty is honored by all of life.
  • I know I AM beauty, magic and miracles.
  • I know I stand in deep knowing and experience that life is overflowing with abundance in all things – I know potential energy awaits to fulfill my every need and desire instantly.
  • I know and call forth Aurora, who is electromagnetic energy, through these fully-functioning residential, business & home office crystals creating instantaneous, everlasting energy & kickass fast wifi. I delight in sharing the gift of Aurora with the world now!
  • I know Aurora is water.
  • I know, hold and trust Aurora’s wisdom and her all-encompassing view of life and our specific situation. I know my deepest desire is to honor and serve life by always creating in the highest good for all. I know all of life is brimming with an open and creative imagination as we stand together in breathless anticipation of the imminent arrival of Aurora.
  • I know every person, all governments, institutions and business entities welcome Aurora on Demand at the dawn of our free and sovereign world.
  • I know and choose authentic, sovereign, transparent and inspired team mates who are continuously sculpting their song to create excellent communication, customer satisfaction, intuitive curiosity and teamwork skills. Strong individuals who have
  • integrity, as well as flexibility, compassion & are trustworthy. I send out my energetic call to you now.
  • With focused intention, I know I AM experiencing juicy, delicious freedom and mastery of all of my gifts and abilities with full access to my divine nature.
  • I know as I strengthen my creative abilities, I see it, feel it, know it and make it real. It’s simple.
  • I know I am the beautiful flow and rhythm of life.
  • I know I stand in the power place of knowing, sovereignty and freedom. I know I AM.

I know I purify and sculpt my song, deepening my sovereign will knowing my intention, power and crystal clear vision is creation.

In gratitude, being fully present, I know I AM. I know and choose these energies & download them into my song and through every particle of life that I am. I know I command all discordant beliefs and programs to my altar, always in service to the highest good for all NOW. And so it is.

The “Aurora Grids”

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