Our Brain:
In this world, that thing that is inside of our heads called a brain is really an organic computer and it requires a program to function. As with a computer that has a #BIOS (basic input output system) that controls the hardware functions so the #DNA is this program that handles our 78 organs, of which the eyes, ears, mouth, nose, lungs and heart are just a few. However #Parents are responsible for installing the basic personalization of operating system (in a new computer we have to include our personal details) and as a child grows older and starts learning the Operating System grows and starts to learn by gathering new information. #Chemical, #drugs and the wrong food retard the progress of the computer, as we say garbage in == garbage out. In todays world we see both parents working or fighting to survive and our children are programmed by others. We see the results of that from watching any video where the current generations are asked and or questioned. The mind (just a sub program that resides in the brain) stream has been disconnected from brains program. Thinking is an impossible task.
This is why so many refuse to wake up, some other programming has modified the BIOS of our DNA and changed how we hear and see things and not have them relate to reality.
This is only how I teach and explain the working of Computer in the IT Field.