Leaders are not infallible, they are men and women who choose to be the support for a team of dedicated individuals to achieve their goals. Teaching, Coaching and guiding the team to great height’s.

Leaders, must be aware of any risks that they are taking and reconstruct the scenario in their own heads to be able to use any setbacks or challenges as opportunities to grow. This is the shift that can transform their emotions and outcome experience to overcome pre-performance issues by viewing them as a positive or as an exciting challenge to learn rather than a failure. They have to consider that there is no failure as long as they use any experience to learn and continue to grow, to keep trying again in their quest to achieve not only their personal goals, but also their companies goals. Leaders have to be prepared to take chances and to accept any setbacks based on their choices. It is their responsibility, no matter who dropped the ball. A leader is the end of the line as far as responsibility goes.