Make South Africa Great Again (MSAGA)

The Greatest Place on Earth.

Here is a 20 point plan to make our country great again.

  1. Patrol the borders and stop the illegal migrant invasion.
  2. Stop the migrant crime epidemic, demolish all of the cartels, crush gang violence with military force if necessary, and lock up violent offenders
  3. Carry out the largest deportation operation in South African history.
  4. Prevent murder, crime, and restore peace in South Africa, by building a respected and active Police force.
  5. End inflation, and make South Africa affordable again.
  6. Restore the South African Rand to it’s former glory, being able to compete on the open market and attracting foreign investment.
  7. Make South Africa a self sufficiant energy producer, by updating and maintaining our current coal fired power stations and upgrading to Small Modular Reactor (SMR’s).
  8. Stop outsourcing manufacturing and give special incentives to investors, making South Africa a manufacturing power player again. 
  9. Large tax cuts for Businesses, workers, and no tax on tips and casual labour.
  10. Defend the constitution, bill of rights, and our fundamental freedoms, including freedom of speech, freedom of religion, the right to own property, and the right to keep and bear arms.
  11. End the weaponization of government against the South African people, including removing the controvercial BELLA Bill and the CADRE deployment act.
  12. Rebuild our cities, including Johannesburg, making them safe, clean, and beautiful again by terminating the CADRE deployment act, and hiring only the most competent and qualified people. 
  13. Strengthen and modernize our military, making it, without question, the strongest and most powerful in the Southern Hemisphere.
  14. Fight for and protect social security and Medical aid with no cuts in quality or service, including no changes to the retirement age.
  15. Cancel the electric vehicle mandate, the Climate Change Act 22 of 2024 and cut costly and burdensome government regulations. 
  16. Cut national funding for any school participating in critical race theory, radical gender ideology, the controversial (BELA) Bill, and other inappropriate racial, sexual, or political content on our children.
  17. Deport radicals and make our university campuses safe and patriotic again.
  18. Keep men out of women’s sports and promote both gender sports as needed.
  19. Secure our elections, including same day voting results, voter identification, paper ballots, and proof of citizenship.
  20. Unite our country by bringing it to a record level of productivity and success giving all people the same opportunities to succeed.

The above is Inspired by the MAGA mandate of the new President of the Republic of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

Which one of these 20 items offend you, or which one of them do you think would be bad for South Africa?

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