8 Rules to Success

When a 60 year old billionaire was asked how he became one, he said…

  • Rule number 1:
    • If you don’t come from a rich family – a rich family must come from you
  • Rule number 2:
    • Forget about the girls and focus on one woman, she will help you achieve everything
  • Rule number 3:
    • You will never be criticized by someone who is doing something more than you – you will only be criticized by someone who is doing less than you
  • Rule number 4:
    • A winner is just a loser who tried one more time.
  • Rule number 5:
    • People get really mad when you don’t let them use you
  • Rule number 6:
    • Never post your achievements, post stupid stuff and jokes so they think you have no future – people hate progress
  • Rule number 7:
    • When you become lazy it is disrespectful to those who believe in you
  • Rule number 8:
    • Six months of hard work, consistency, focus and discipline will change your life forever.

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